Do You Need a New Website? Take the Quiz + Grab Your FREE Report

It’s September which means IT’S BASICALLY 2018, right?!

This time, you’re going to be READYYYYY to rock the new year and that’s why you’re starting NOW. So, naturally that means a new website…right???

Episode #27 of Awkward Marketing is taking on how to know if you NEED a new website for 2018 orrrrr if a new website will just be an expensive distraction from the REAL stuff it takes to move the needle in your biz.

And when you’re done with this pumpkin spiced episode, get your custom website report here:

Rachael Kay Albers

Rachael Kay Albers is a creative director, business comedian, and brand strategist gone wild. She writes and performs about branding, pop culture, tech, and identity. When she’s not muckraking about marketing, Rachael runs RKA ink, a reinvention studio and branding agency for businesses that burn the rulebook. She's also on Instagram a lot.