Email Marketing Mistakes Your Business Can’t Afford to Make

Sometimes, list building is a BAD idea.

I’ve seen TOO MANY distracted small business owners funnel their hopes, dreams, and hard-earned dollar bills into the email marketing vortex only to see ZERO results.

This Facebook Live is a cautionary tale about email marketing gone horribly, horribly awry.

Can you recognize the warning signs? Tuuuurn back now BEFORE you eBlast your business to the point of no return…

Mistake #1. You start building a list “because you have to.” You’ve heard the cool kids talking about it and you figure, why not? Maybe it will be a magic pill that helps you start making more money quickly. 

Mistake #2. You’re not seeing the results you want and you get pissed. You start blaming your email software, your web designer, and worst of all, your readers. And they can sense your resentment in your emails, which is a recipe for unsubscribes.

Mistake #3. You double down. You invest in another list-building challenge, another course, another “guru” to help you find a quick fix to what’s broken with your list. (And we already know there’s no such thing as a quick fix.) 

These three mistakes can doom your business and steal your cash. So, remember, we’re all about slow branding here. Building meaningful relationships with your audience takes time. There is no magic pill. Keep doing the work and expect for it to take time to see results.

Links & Resources I Mention In This Episode

Rachael Kay Albers

Rachael Kay Albers is a creative director, business comedian, and brand strategist gone wild. She writes and performs about branding, pop culture, tech, and identity. When she’s not muckraking about marketing, Rachael runs RKA ink, a reinvention studio and branding agency for businesses that burn the rulebook. She's also on Instagram a lot.