UPDATED with all the 2022 GIF Updates!

(Uh huh. Uh huh.)
The #1 business GIF workshop that will teach you how to make, use, and leverage GIFs to grow your brand.
GIFs are the Internet's

Everyone, their mom, and their weird sweater-vest-wearing neighbor are speaking GIF. Why isn’t your brand?
Let’s face it: the internet has changed the way people communicate with each other. Nobody sends love letters via the Pony Express anymore. Your email inbox is 99% forwards from your Uncle Trey who’s afraid of 5G and/or Wayfair because you once glanced at a Facebook ad of a beautiful scalloped sideboard. And emojis are more passé than Salad Cat yelling at…well, anything. (Sorry, Salad Cat.)
GIFs are how we Internet.
Look at any Facebook comment thread and it’s all you’ll see. Rather than write out, “I agree with the previous commenter’s point” why not just insert Chris Hemsworth pointing at the comment with the word T H I S? When your friend signs their 2nd retainer contract, what would be more celebratory and fun than responding with that little ballerina girl bellydancing in triumph?

But you know who's not speaking gif?

And it's a huge missed opportunity.
Fact: GIFs are seen by more than 500,000,000 people per day. That’s MORE than the population of the United States, y’all.
Wouldn’t you like to have 500 million people looking at YOUR business?
Wouldn’t you fancy ONE BILLION EYEBALLS on your content…
…without spending a single dime?
But people don’t just look at GIFs. THEY SHARE THEM.
Which means:
GIFs are free ads for your business that people share without being asked.
GIFs make brands unforgettable and an unforgettable brand is a PROFITABLE brand.

The ONLY business GIF workshop that will teach you how to make, use, and leverage GIFs to grow your brand.
I know a thing or 2 billion about using GIFs to make your brand unforgettable.

I'm Rachael Kay Albers, GIF queen, wig enthusiast, and bingeworthy brand strategist. My GIFs are breaking the Internet as we speak. (You may recognize me from that email your boss sent last Thursday or the Bachelor comment thread in your Facebook mom group.)
Aside from the ego boost, what have 2,000,000,000 GIF views meant for me?
Bottom line: GIFs are the best thing that’s happened to my business since the Zoom "touch up my appearance" filter.
And now i'm teaching everything i know to you.
Here are just a few ways gifs can help your brand live in

Marketing emails: instead of using that GIF of Kevin from The Office laughing, use a GIF of YOU laughing
Video promotion: don’t just drop a link to a video in an email or social post, create a GIF sneak peek and watch the views pour in
Blog listicles: create and illustrate your own Top 10 lists and GIF-icles with videos you've already created
Slide decks: add fun and humor to your next speech with branded GIFs to drive your point home
Why use someone else's GIFs when you can make your own?
You wouldn’t use someone else’s face as your bio photo. So, why are you building someone else’s brand with your GIFs? Every time you grab a Nick Jonas GIF to spice up an email or Instagram story, you’re increasing his brand recognition when you could be building and reinforcing your own.

In this workshop, you'll learn:

Learn how to make branded GIFs and transparent GIF stickers using free apps available on your phone. PLUS get extra fancy with advanced techniques for Canva and Photoshop. Nothing says "Swipe up!" quite like your own branded Instagram stickers.

Giphy? Tenor? Gfycat? Oh my! Learn where to upload your GIFs and how to get verified so you'll easily be found, shared, and loved on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and more! Why just read a Buzzfeed GIF-icle when you can become the GIF-icle?

Learn how to plan and position your GIFs to drive more traffic to your best content, increase your video views and podcast listens, make more sales, and spend less money on ads. PLUS grab my 50+ creative ways to use GIFs in your marketing.

WHAT: Over 2 hours of on-demand video training PLUS step-by-step written GIF guides to walk you through and my best free GIF hacks and resources. Prepare to live in gifamy! (And I'll have you making GIFs in your first 5 minutes...)
WHERE: Grab the course here.
WHAT YOU NEED: All you need is a smart phone with a camera on it!
WHO'S IT FOR: Entrepreneurs, small business owners, marketers, and creators who want an ace up their sleeve for fun, creative marketing their customers won't forget. Must enjoy mirth & merriment. Wet blankets need not apply.
Actual Footage of #MindBlown Workshop Participants

The ONLY business GIF workshop that will teach you how to make, use, and leverage GIFs to grow your brand.
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